Ewoud Surmont

Ewoud Surmont

🇧🇪 Kortrijk, Belgium

Current Position

Product Designer at Cheqroom


  • UX Design
  • Prototyping
  • Research and analysis
  • User Testing
  • Visual Design
  • Interaction Design


Bulk items design for Cheqroom
Bulk items
Customers struggled with managing low-value equipment they owned in large quantities. They avoided managing them in Cheqroom because of the impact on their subscription limits. This led to customer implementing workarounds that were less than efficient. Due to this they lost time and equipment. The bulk items feature helped customers gain back control over all equipment in their equipment room.
I was responsible for the end-to-end design proccess, from discovery to delivery. Condcuted user interviews, wireframing, designed low and high fidelity prototypes and conducted user testing.
Bulk items design for Cheqroom
Lumen Design System
Lead the creation of a design system at Cheqroom. The goal of developing Lumen Design System was to create a cohesive, scalable, and efficient design framework that enhances user experience and ensures consistency across all digital touchpoints.